The Gospel

Look around you at God’s glorious creation. God has provided food for nourishment, sunlight for warmth, trees for air purification and flowers for enchantment. Everything you see is the result of God’s hand and is sending you a message of provision and blessing. The ancient songwriter said, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of his hands.” The world around you starts to answer the most basic of questions: Is there a Creator-God?

But the environment is not the only way that this God has expressed Himself. In a most supreme act of love, God humbled himself and entered His creation in the form of a man named Jesus. Even though we have all done bad things and we are all guilty with respect to a perfect God, Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified in order to pay for our wrongdoings. After being buried for three days, Jesus was resurrected back to life so that we might have both eternal life with Him in heaven and purpose in this life.

You may be asking, “So how can I receive eternal life and find God’s purpose for me?” The answer is simple. The Bible tells us that if we will ask God to forgive us for our sins, make a commitment to turn from those sins and surrender to the leadership of Jesus Christ, we can become a part of God's mission and have a home with him after death.

You do not have to be sitting in church in order to make this decision. You decide while sitting in your home or office—wherever you are. The Creator of this most excellent world is waiting for you to accept his free gift.

If you have decided to follow Christ and would like to know more about how to begin your new life, please contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.